Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stay Tuned. . . . .

We have a really great Special coming up for Election Day! Make sure you check back in a few days to see what it is!!!

We had a great time on Sunday at the Brides to Be show at the Hyatt in Dearborn! We got a chance to do all of the beautiful models hair for the fashion show. It was quite a day, lots of hussle & bussels!! I have a few picturs that I will post or I think there is some on their website www.bridestobe.net

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thank You!

We want to thank everyone who stopped in on Sunday for our Race for the Cure fundraiser! I still have to do the final tally, but we had a great day! It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed being part of a bigger picture to help fight Cancer!! We will be walking in May/June for the Race for the Cure so if you are interested in joining us, please let us know! Thanks again!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

WIll My Updo Stay????

YES!!! This past Sat. we had not only a wonderful wedding party in getting thier hair and make-up done for the big day, but also a few girls from the local high schools for Homecoming. We tried to take as many pictures as the crazy day would allow. . . . . . .

This is my Favorite, Becca got her hair done for homecoming on Sat afternoon, and the picture to the right is her hair at Church the next morning after dancing and sleeping on it all night!! SO to answer the question that is asked everytime, Yes! We confidently say your updo WILL LAST!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I thought I'd share this. ...


Check out this link to the I vote for the cure website to check out some questions to John McCain & Barack Obama about some cancer related issues.

Make sure to join us on Sunday October 19Th 12:00 - 5:00 for our Race for the Cure Fundraiser! Women haircuts $20, Men's haircuts $12, Children haircuts $10, brow lip or chin wax $5, mini manicure $14, mini pedicure $18

If you know anyone who would be able to donate items for giveaways & raffle please contact Sarah @ 734-225-6251.