Saturday, January 9, 2010

Updated Loyalty Points for 2010

We have made some changes to our Loyalty Points. You still earn great rewards, and remember you get 5 points for each referral you send in (including Jan, Feb, & March during our drawing!)
If you have 40+points as of Jan. 1st, you will still recieve your free service at 50 points :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Blow Dry Boot Camp!

Ever wish your stylist could come to do your hair every morning? We have the next best thing! Come in for a FREE style lesson! BYOB "Bring Your Own Blowdryer" (styling products, curling irons, flat irons, everything!) and we will show you how to use it!
Call for your appointment today 734-225-6251
We will be booking up quickly, so don't wait! If your stylist is unavailable, we encourage you to come in and meet with one of our other very talented girls!
We will have lots of Product specials, Fun, Food & More!

WOW! Free services for a year??

That's right! You can win Free Hair Services for a full year just for referring new clients! Stop in, call or e-mail the Salon and we will mail you business cards for you to write your name on and hand out to your Family, Friends, even strangers! The more new clients you send in the bigger your chance of winning!