Friday, May 23, 2014

A new chapter in my life, the closing of Salon Epiphany

Six years ago I began a journey, to open my very own hair salon.  I had a vision of exactly how I wanted it to be, look, and be managed.  Over the past 6 years, we have had such a great time, paired with hardships of stylists coming and going, never really having the right “team” to fulfill my vision.  I have worked day and night, holidays and date nights, trying to make this dream come true.  But now is the time that I have to step back, and realize this vision of what I wanted doesn’t compare to the life that I want to make for my family.  My 3 boys need their mom home more and more time with just them when I am home.  They need me to be a volunteer at their school, and go on field trips, more than I need to own a salon.  Am I sad about leaving this vision behind, yes and no.  Yes because it looks exactly what I always hoped for, yes because it took so much to make it all happen, to get over all of the hurdles in my way.  Yes because in making the commitment to my family, there are things that I will be giving up.  But in the same respect no, I won’t miss the 12+ hour days that I have done every week for 6 years.  No I won’t miss everything being my fault.  I won’t miss missing out on baseball and soccer games, and good night kisses and giggles.  My heart is both sad, and relieved.  It’s a ton of work to keep a small business going, and I don’t regret a single minute of it.  It’s just my time to close this chapter in my life story, turn the page and see what is in store for me next. 

What will be my next step?  I’m not 100% sure yet J  I’m still working out the details.  I am still obsessively in love with hair, and I always will be.  I love teaching and training with Pravana, none of that will be changing.  But where I will be sharing my love of coloring and styling hair is yet to be determined.  I will keep you updated via e-mail, Facebook, and this blog, I promise. 


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