Thursday, August 28, 2008

It was a good day!

I was very pleased to get our stations in today, even though I had to load them all in the salon myself (thank God for dollies!) And they look amazing! I couldn't be happier with them. Then I also got to meet some awesome people who came in for interviews for receptionists and assistants. They are making it very hard to make a decision. Lots to do this week-end, more tiling (Rob is getting sick of doing it I think) furniture to be put together, and cleaning! If your bored this holiday week-end stop by we can always use an extra hand. I was very proud of myself, I put our computer together today! I even got the touch screen working. Now I just have to figure out how to get online and load our awesome software so you can start booking appointments online.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw Sarah, I'm soo glad to here everything is going good! Can't wait to see everything when it's completed!